

Intentional Living



I’m so glad that your group has chosen to use this tool as you gather to seek God’s presence and direction in your lives.


NikkiThis life of faith that we live is not something we can or should do alone. As human beings we are called to be in relationship with God and with those around us. And as women the relationships we form with other women can be particularly meaningful. We believe that true learning happens when people of faith take the time to connect with one another and share their own experiences of faith as they reflect on scripture and the stories of faith we find there.

May your group benefit from the process of learning and sharing and growing together.

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FaithElement: Studies for Women


fewomenwinner2 copyWhat is this? FaithElement Studies for Women offers high-quality resources to help your group focus on relevant topics in a way that is theologically sound. We believe God calls and uses women in all areas of ministry, and have a high view of women’s roles at work, home and in the church. Watch this brief video to see a demo of how this resource works:

Becoming a member of this website provides your women’s group facilitator with everything she needs to lead a 5 session study on “Intentional Living.” All resources needed for the study (videos, leaders guide, handouts, discussion area, etc.) are provided through this website. Become a member today (a one-time fee of $39 applies) and gain access to the full collection of resources.

Learn more about how this resource works! Learn More

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